Watch Episodes Add to My List Add to Favorites Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 2, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 2nd Series, Higurashi no Nakukoro ni 2nd Season, The Moment the Cicadas Cry 2 Japanese: ひぐらしのなく頃に解 English: Higurashi: When They Cry – Kai More titles InformationType: TV Episodes: 24 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Jul 6, 2007 to Dec 18, 2007 Premiered: Summer 2007 Broadcast: Fridays at 02:30 (JST) Producers: Frontier Works, Sotsu, Movic Licensors: Sentai Filmworks Studios: Studio Deen Source: Visual novel Genres: Horror, Mystery, Suspense Themes: Gore, Psychological Duration: 24 min. per ep. Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity) StatisticsScore: 8.161 (scored by 258,846 users) 1 indicates a weighted score. Ranked: #4452 2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #484 Members: 489,794 Favorites: 7,459 Available AtResourcesStreaming Platforms |
Top > Anime > Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai > Reviews Write a Review ReviewsFiltered Results: 102 / 109 Sort
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Jan 3, 2008 z-pak Recommended I will say this now, if you have not seen the anime called Higurashi no Naku koro ni, then this review will be as useful as the dust that lies under your bed. With that said, most of what I have to say about Kai will be a rehash of what I said in my season 1 review; therefore, I will not be giving a detailed review. Instead, I will say what I thought were the stronger aspects in Kai compared to that of the first season. No doubt, both seasons of Higurashi were wonderful and one cannot exist without the other. Because of this, it ... Read more Open Gift Report
Nov 28, 2008 Ceptryn Recommended Imagine you are an Olympic boxer, about to enter the gold medal match. It's going to be you're toughest fight, the world title holder thrice in a row. You've studied his moves, you're prepared, you know you can win and relish the challenge. You enter the ring and prepare for the greatest fight of your life. The bell rings! You launch forward... only to find your opponent collapsed on the ground due to a heart attack. You won! But what's the feeling? Elation? Disappointment? Or a weird mixture of both? Whatever that emotion is, that's what'll you feel upon completion of Higurashi Season 2. Brilliant twists, unparalleled ... Read more Open Gift Report
May 10, 2008 L-sama Mixed Feelings After finishing the first Higurashi series, I was actually looking forward to seeing what Kai had in store for me. Despite my dislike of the horror genre, I was more than willing to give this one a chance too, since I was proven wrong by the former. I was proven wrong, all right, but it was not for the right reasons. Where the first Higurashi was centered on shocking the viewer at every turn, Kai went for a slower, more suspenseful approach. Because of this decision, this approach turned out to be exceedingly slow. With only two major arcs present and twenty-four episodes to use, many ... Read more Open Gift Report
Aug 30, 2008 YKawashima Mixed Feelings before you start to hate me for the low score listen to my reasons. I watched the first season and found it to be amazing and easily deserved a 10 rating. This season was the same universe but felt like it was written by someone else. Where the first season gave you suspense and fear, the second season was too corny and drawn out at boring parts to do anything for me. While I found Hanyou adorable, I also found her to be detrimental to the story. The first season made it possible for the cause of madness to be anything from disease to aliens. With ... Read more Open Gift Report
Nov 6, 2015 LeaderTGW Recommended You know, after playing the excruciating visual novel of Higurashi for PS2 Read more Open Gift Report
May 13, 2011 spookybun Recommended Even though Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai and Higurashi no naku koro ni are in the same series as a whole, they have fundamental differences. I'm not going to go on about how season one was better or worse, but I will point out some things that were interesting to me. Story: I was very pleased with the story, and how it really shed some light on questins presented in the first series. As some may know, the Higurashi franchise is divided into question and answer arcs. Read more Open Gift Report
Sep 19, 2009 SamFury Recommended Disheartening Sunset Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai [Kai] is the sequel to the popular original [Higurashi] that aired the year before, based off the 07th Expansion's sound novels of the same name. The first season covered the four arcs of the original game and the first two arcs of the sequel. Kai covers the last two arcs of the second game and give closure to mysteries presented in Higurashi. Kai's story is satisfying at the very most. The riddles that hung like loose threads are woven together nicely giving us most of the big picture. A few questions are left unanswered, which hopefully Rei, the ... Read more Open Gift Report
Oct 11, 2009 MikeOnHighway61 Not Recommended What did we see in Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni so far? Well, it's been an amazing journey through the depths of human psychology, telling us that everyone is capable of becoming a killer under different circumstances... Watanagashi's mysteries were quite fascinating and there were specific scenes and moments the watcher won't forget that easily, in matter of psychological tension or brutal violence. The season ended with a slight glance of hope to escape the murder scenario repetition going on, so the watcher was looking forward seeing the resolve of that twisted maze. Then there was Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai... ...and the tension was gone. The ... Read more Open Gift Report
Jun 3, 2015 lawlmartz Recommended "Someone taught me something- that the power of belief will give rise to a miracle that will cut through fate." - Hanyuu Preface: Birthday review! This review is solely for Higurashi Kai, which I will refer to as "Kai" from this point on. Since it's a part two, it's necessary to have seen the first set, as it's divided into "question" and "answer" arcs. This series formulates the many, complex answers to the question: What exactly is happening to Hinamizawa in June of 1983? Artwork and Animation: 7 Read more Open Gift Report
Apr 16, 2015 momsspaghetti Recommended Personally, my favourite kinds of stories are the ones that really make you think. Ones that make you look back on what you've already seen, and realize there was more going on than you had initially picked up on. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai makes you realize that the entire first season was preparing you for the story it has to tell. The first season of Higurashi is fantastic in its own ways. It's unique in the way it tells its arcs; but it leaves the viewer questioning what they each have to do with one another. The second season, Kai, answers every single ... Read more Open Gift Report
Nov 18, 2008 gochisosama Recommended If you have not watched the first season (Higurashi no naku koro ni), this anime is practically useless and the same goes for this review. Wow! Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai was a great addition to an already very good season one. As I found season one rather interesting and enjoyable, Kai was a must watch for me, in the hope that it would be just as great. With many questions left unanswered, Kai primarily focuses on answering questions and revealing to us the "true" truth. There are a lot less gore and horror elements compared to the first season, as Rika becomes the main ... Read more Open Gift Report
May 17, 2015 Dechie Recommended Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs. It's a rare occurrence when an anime (or any TV show) is able to hold thrill and fear in a perfect balance. For starters, the show has to reach a certain standard of quality in order for the viewer to feel either of those two emotions, but in addition, the series must be able to switch between excitement and terror with ease. But maintaining that equilibrium is in fact possible, and such is the beauty of the Higurashi world as a whole. Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai (Often abbreviated Higurashi Kai) is ... Read more Open Gift Report
Dec 4, 2010 FFandMMfan Not Recommended For years I thought that Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, and it's sequel, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai were among the best Anime I had ever seen. This is in fact the general consensus, that Higurashi is an amazing Anime and it has garnered much praise over the last few years. I'm here to tell everyone that I, and everyone else, could not have been more wrong about the Higurashi series. When you look at it on it's own, you may see a wonderful story full of drama, comedy, suspense and mystery, but in actuality, you are only seeing a small portion of the ... Read more Open Gift Report
Oct 26, 2014 Sorrow Recommended If you haven't seen the first season, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, "Kai" will make almost as little sense to you without watching the first one as the watching the first one without watching Kai afterwards does. For those who loved the gore in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, I'm sorry to tell you, that if you were looking forward to another twenty-four episodes of eviscerated adolescence and chopped loli then you are in for a disappointment; Kai focuses primarily on giving the viewers a satisfying answer and summarization of the questions and mysteries aroused in the first season. Every once in a great while, ... Read more Open Gift Report
Jun 9, 2015 Quan_ Mixed Feelings [Adapted From Original Blog Post] Probably the biggest reason Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai fails as a sequel is because of a matter of expectation. Now, you might be thinking I just spoiled the entire review right there, but give me a moment, I'm not done, because Higurashi Kai is a very complex thing to pin down why exactly it is the way it is. I guess where you need to start is to consider that any mystery must inevitably have an answer. And when that mystery is played through a dark and chaotic mess, in other words, most of what season 1 of Higurashi ... Read more Open Gift Report
Jan 18, 2009 wesley96 Recommended This review is based on the sequel to Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (When They Cry), Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai (When They Cry Solutions). I'm going to not try to spoil this anime, but it's VERY hard not to spoil it. And if you haven't seen the first season of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, you might not want to read the rest of this review. Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai is pretty much the answers to some of the arcs in it's premises. But the main storyline instead of different people at each time, we have one and only one for ... Read more Open Gift Report
Mar 31, 2024 mantus00 Recommended When the first season of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ended, viewers were left with more questions than answers about the dark mysteries plaguing the village of Hinamizawa. Thankfully, the 2007 sequel series Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai picks up right where the psychological horror left off, providing a riveting and unrelentingly bleak continuation that cements Higurashi as one of the most disturbingly effective thrillers in anime. From the moment Kai begins, it's clear the writers have no intention of letting up on the suffocating sense of dread and escalating brutality that made the first season so gripping. New arcs like Meakashi-hen start off lulling ... Read more Open Gift Report
Jul 26, 2021 undamoth Recommended I have complained about the lack of resolution in the prior season of Higurashi. Boy, i should have shut my mouth back then. Higurashi Kai is the 'answer arc' to the original Higurashi, the direct continuation which actually delivered great and fulfilling answers to what was merely speculated in the prior arcs. Those who have watched Higurashi are blasted with the fact that time apparently resets while a grand evil scheme is happening within those looping days. To why, how, we were not given a damn thing but lots and lots of cookie crumbs has been flaunted at our faces and we just had to patch ... Read more Open Gift Report
May 28, 2011 Simonian Recommended "Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai" is the second series of Higurashi, and it takes over where the previous series left off. Basically, if you watched the first series then you must watch this one too in order to fully understand just what is going in the world of Higurashi. The story gets even better, but I'm not suppose to write any spoilers so I'll only say a couple of things about it. If you thought the first series was twisted, then this series will (pardon me) mindfuck you. It's completely twisted, it will leave you sobbing in a corner questioning your sanity. But isn't ... Read more Open Gift Report
Jul 9, 2009 shinimi Recommended Based on the first season, it flows on a explains all the mysteries and the fluidity that the first season lacks. The story focuses around Rika in this season, and her perception into the bizarre killings of the Hinamizawa village on June 30th 1983. Little is known to why the events are happening, and Chiaki Kon does a very good job in replicating the manga version. The art is well established. The OP is beautifully done, it uses the images of each of the characters in their darkest states. Again, the darkness of the anime is introduced, and the director does a good job in ... Read more Open Gift Report More Reviews |
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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.